ExtensionTax.com an IRS authorized e-file website for the Individuals and businesses to prepare and report the Income tax extension requests online. A product of ThinkTrade, Inc. offer e-file solution since 2008, serviced 1000’s of extension seekers to get it done on time with out any late fee or penalties. Inadequate tax information or surprising life events, ExtensionTax is here to help you inform IRS about the extra time you need to file your income taxes. ThinkTrade Inc. and its Tax products helps excise tax payers of US get the most contented experience of filing their returns online in a timely, fast and accurate style. Built upon considerations for taxpayers’ comfort ruling out paper filing hardships, ThinkTrade Inc’s tax solutions have become well established trusted e-file resources from 2007. An early day IRS authorized e-file provider for tax products, ThinkTrade has so far succeeded with thousands of e-filers, volumes of accepted returns and that many smiles. IRS understands the potentiality of life events to interfere with your ability to file income taxes on time every year. Under any circumstance that may leave you unable to file taxes on time like birth, death, illness or missing W-2, you can always request an extension of time to file later. For this, Form 4868 has to be returned to IRS which gets you an automatic 6-month extension of time. While the IRS does not need an explanation for extension, you have all the reasons to pay it on time and take an extension request for delayed filing. Remember, obtaining an extension to file doesn’t mean an extension to pay your taxes. U.S.Individual Income Tax Extension, Form4868 - http://www.tax4868.com/ Individual Income filers Out of Country, Form 2350 - http://www.tax2350.com/ Business Income Tax Extension, Form7004 - http://www.tax7004.com/ Non-Profit Organization Tax Extension, Form8868 - http://www.tax8868.com/ Call us at +1 (866) 245 - 3918 | email to support@extensiontax.com
ExtensionTax.com an IRS authorized e-file website for the Individuals and businesses to prepare and report the Income tax extension requests online. A product of ThinkTrade, Inc. offer e-file solution since 2008, serviced 1000’s of extension seekers to get it done on time with out any late fee or penalties. Inadequate tax information or surprising life events, ExtensionTax is here to help you inform IRS about the extra time you need to file your income taxes. ThinkTrade Inc. and its Tax products helps excise tax payers of US get the most contented experience of filing their returns online in a timely, fast and accurate style. Built upon considerations for taxpayers’ comfort ruling out paper filing hardships, ThinkTrade Inc’s tax solutions have become well established trusted e-file resources from 2007. An early day IRS authorized e-file provider for tax products, ThinkTrade has so far succeeded with thousands of e-filers, volumes of accepted returns and that many smiles. IRS understands the potentiality of life events to interfere with your ability to file income taxes on time every year. Under any circumstance that may leave you unable to file taxes on time like birth, death, illness or missing W-2, you can always request an extension of time to file later. For this, Form 4868 has to be returned to IRS which gets you an automatic 6-month extension of time. While the IRS does not need an explanation for extension, you have all the reasons to pay it on time and take an extension request for delayed filing. Remember, obtaining an extension to file doesn’t mean an extension to pay your taxes. U.S.Individual Income Tax Extension, Form4868 - http://www.tax4868.com/ Individual Income filers Out of Country, Form 2350 - http://www.tax2350.com/ Business Income Tax Extension, Form7004 - http://www.tax7004.com/ Non-Profit Organization Tax Extension, Form8868 - http://www.tax8868.com/ Call us at +1 (866) 245 - 3918 | email to support@extensiontax.com